
Bishopston Amateur Theatrical Society would like to thank all its sponsors in supporting all BATS members, the local community and visitors to Gower.

Cheers Wine Merchants – www.cheerswinemerchants.co.uk

Effleurage – Telephone 07971929634

Elite Golf Coach – www.elitegolfcoach.com

Gower Chemicals – www.gowerchemicals.ltd.uk

John Morse Solicitors – www.johnmorsesolicitors.co.uk

Northway Plastering Services – Telephone 07855900957

Pencil Marks – www.msbcltd.co.uk

The Lamplighter –Telephone 07913774447

The Southgate – www.thesouthgate.co.uk

The Valley – Telephone 01792 234820

Three Cliffs Coffee Shop – www.threecliffs.co.uk